464 TIP. Coaching Billionaires w/ Matt Spielman

My guest today is author, speaker and executive coach, Matt Spielman. Ever since reading a book called Trillion Dollar Coach, I’ve been interested in executive coaching. If Steve Jobs, Erich Schmidt and countless other billionaires use executive coaches, then it’s something we should explore. What separates Matt is that he is insanely qualified. He holds an economics degree from columbia, an MBA from Harvard, a Nutrition Science certificate from Stanford, An integrated health certificate from Duke and even an executive coaching certificate from Columbia. On top of his education, he’s held executive positions at megacorps like MTV, Nielsen, Return Path and others. Matt is now the founder/CEO/Head Coach of Inflection Point Partners, where he coaches high profile clients like Alex Rodriquez. R
00:00:00 – Intro
00:00:11 – Matt’s experience interacting with Bill Campell, the Trillion Dollar Coach in the eponymously named book
00:02:02 – What billionaires are often looking for when seeking out a coach
00:05:52 – Why Matt decided to go back to school before becoming a coach, even though he had a highly pedigreed resume
00:18:12 – A framework for determining when it makes sense to follow your passion and how Matt defines success
00:22:44 – What coaching is and what it is not
00:36:23 – Matt’s Game Plan System

 I truly enjoyed this episode, so without further ado, here is my conversation with Matt Spielman.

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– What Works On Wall Street Book: https://amzn.to/3yBwkzJ

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