Stocks to sell

Telecom investors sometimes look for high dividend yields. However, dividends aren’t much of a consolation prize if the stock price declines. This could happen with Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ) stock in 2023’s second half. And frankly, Verizon’s dividend payments might not even be sustainable in the long run. We previously tried to warn people about the Verizon
As a form of value exchange, many cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based digital assets provide value. Smart contracts paved the way for a whole range of decentralized applications, which provide value to millions of users each and every day. While investors may easily support certain conceptual growth features of blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies that arose out
Energy stocks are an essential addition to an investor’s diversified portfolio. They garner exposure to different market areas and may offer unique opportunities for significant returns. For example, while most stock market sectors struggled during 2022 when the world was getting back on track following the pandemic, the energy sector saw exponential growth. Oil prices
Sometimes I really question why we’re still talking about meme stocks. When will investors learn that the unpredictable nature of meme stocks nearly always makes them a bad investment choice? Meme stocks really took off during the Covid-19 pandemic. Investors had nothing else to do except stay home and play around on their phones and